PHAG 6: Size DOES matter! Simplifying size conversion: From Metric to Imperial System

In today's globalized world, it's common to encounter measurements in different systems. The metric system, widely used around the world, employs units like meters, grams, and liters. On the other hand, the imperial system, still prevalent in a few countries including the United States, utilizes units such as feet, pounds, and gallons. Understanding how to convert between these systems is essential for accurate communication and practical usage. In this blog post, we'll delve into size conversion from the metric to the imperial system, covering both length and weight, and provide a helpful chart for quick reference.

Length Conversion: When converting lengths from the metric system to the imperial system, the following conversion factors can be used:

1 meter (m) ≈ 3.28084 feet (ft) 1 centimeter (cm) ≈ 0.39370 inches (in)

To convert a length from metric to imperial, simply multiply the metric value by the appropriate conversion factor. For example:

  • To convert 2 meters to feet: 2 m * 3.28084 ft/m ≈ 6.56168 ft
  • To convert 50 centimeters to inches: 50 cm * 0.39370 in/cm ≈ 19.685 in

Weight Conversion: Weight conversion from the metric system to the imperial system can be accomplished using the following conversion factors:

1 kilogram (kg) ≈ 2.20462 pounds (lb) 1 gram (g) ≈ 0.00220462 pounds (lb)

To convert a weight from metric to imperial, multiply the metric value by the appropriate conversion factor. For example:

  • To convert 5 kilograms to pounds: 5 kg * 2.20462 lb/kg ≈ 11.0231 lb
  • To convert 750 grams to pounds: 750 g * 0.00220462 lb/g ≈ 1.65347 lb

Conversion Chart: To simplify size conversion between the metric and imperial systems, here's a handy chart summarizing the conversion factors for length and weight:



1 meter (m)

3.28084 feet

1 centimeter

0.39370 inches

1 kilogram (kg)

2.20462 pounds

1 gram (g)

0.00220462 lb


At our art gallery, we understand the importance of precise measurements and accurate communication when it comes to the artwork you adore. That's why we've provided this helpful guide on converting sizes from the metric to imperial system, tailored specifically for our esteemed collectors. With the conversion chart we've included, you'll have a convenient reference at your fingertips to seamlessly navigate between different measurement systems.

This gay art gallery believes that every detail matters, including the understanding of measurements. With this knowledge, you can confidently engage with the artwork that moves you, and Envision how they fit in your personal space.

May 26, 2023 — Erez Bialer

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